The things most of us hate but don't really think to talk about...

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Movie Watcher

Don't you hate it when you're watching a movie and someone excessively comments on it? I love most genres of movies and I enjoy watching them in a theater, in the comfort of my own home, or in the homes of others. One thing I cannot stand, however, is when I'm watching a movie with someone and they are constantly talking during the movie. One of the most annoying phrases that I'm sure most of us have heard at least once is, "oh watch watch! This is the best part!" Seriously!?! Shut up! When people say that I create an image in my mind of what would make that part be "the best part" to me and when it doesn't happen I'm disappointed because the part wasn't as good as I expected. I will judge if I think that is the best part or not AFTER I see it. I also can't stand when people talk excessively in a theater. I too am guilty of a whisper here or there, but when people are basically having a full-fledged conversation in the movie theater it really irritates me. I paid to watch this movie in silence and darkness on the big screen and I find it very disrespectful when people have these conversations. If you must talk about whatever it is that badly, leave the room, have the conversation in the hallway, and return when you're ready to be quiet. Or, if you can't be quiet in the movie theater, just wait until it comes out on DVD, rent it, and scream at the top of your lungs while you're watching it in your own home. I really couldn't care less if someone did that, but if I'm paying to see the movie in relative silence I expect to watch the movie in relative silence. Another thing that bothers me is when people ask others, "did you figure it out yet" during any movie that has some sort of twist to it. Although one may not intend for the question to come across as such, it usually seems to me like one says it in a condescending manner. Almost as if he's saying, "did you get it yet? Because I did and if you didn't that means I'm smarter than you." So what if I got it or not; it's none of your business. I would usually rather not figure it out so that when the twist comes in at the end I'm really surprised and then it all comes together when it's supposed to. With that being said, the next time you want to talk while you're watching a movie with a group of people, stop and think about how annoying it is when other people are doing it.

Until next time,


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