The things most of us hate but don't really think to talk about...

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Screaming Babies

Don't you hate it when you are exposed to screaming babies in public? This really, really irritates me. Maybe more than anything I've written about thus far. I feel like people allowing their babies to be obnoxiously crying in public is an absolute nuisance. I'm sure I'll view this differently when I hopefully have a family of my own. My mentality then will probably be, "well it's a public place so my baby has as much a right to be here as you do." I don't agree with that argument now but I may someday. Regardless, I cannot stand when babies cry in public. Take church for example. I spoke about cell phone disruptions in church but what is equally bad if not worse is a crying baby disruption. I go to church for calmness and tranquility and I don't expect it to be interrupted by an infant who doesn't even realize why he's at church. Another example is in a movie theater. If you suspect that your infant may get rowdy during the movie, DON'T TAKE HIM TO THE MOVIE! It's that simple. It's disrespectful to the other patrons of the theater and has the potential to ruin the experience for everyone. Also, it's just financially irresponsible to pay however much you're paying for a child to watch something he'll most likely never have a recollection of. A crying baby isn't as bad in an open area such as a park because you most likely have the opportunity to give yourself some space from the crier. In an enclosed area, however, you are most likely not granted this luxury. Another example is in a restaurant. I cannot stand it when an infant acts out in a restaurant. I came to eat here because I wanted to get away from the loud noises of my neighbor cutting the grass of my roommate playing loud music and I want to enjoy my meal in peace. A crying baby can ruin that peace in a matter of seconds. Literally seconds. What's even worse is when the parents don't do anything about it and just let the baby cry. That's just disrespectful and irresponsible. Some things just rub me the wrong way and a crying baby in public is one of the big ones.

Until next time,



  1. I'm completely with you on this one, Zac. Nobody hates a screaming baby more than me. What's worse, when you get stuck on an 18-hour international flight next to a screaming child. Yuck!

  2. I agree w/ the author that the parent has some respect to the paying public. I think that often the parent lives w/ the noise all the time so it is not as disruptive to them as it is to those w/o young ones.

  3. Sorry that happened to you. I would’ve fkn snapped and told it and the the parents to stfu
